Add Fireworks To Your Event!

Sure to create lasting memories and add excitement to any affair, we love to use pyrotechnics for spectacular effects.

Humans have tickled their nerves since the dawn of times. Depending on whom you ask fireworks date back 1000 to 2000 years. Fireworks are a global phenomenon.

The first time we celebrated Fourth of July with fireworks occurred in 1776!
Indoors or outdoors, we have added custom, branded, close proximity and surrounding pyrotechnics to many an event.

Why do humans all over the world love fireworks? There is a scientific answer.

Bright lightning and booming thunderous noises activate the amygdala, a little ball of nerves in the brain that detects fear. As a reaction our brain releases a surge of dopamine, a chemical that regulates pleasure.

Daniel Glaser, a neuroscientist and the director of Science Gallery London at King's College in the United Kingdom has studied the reaction: "People seem to be excited by the anticipation of a slightly scary experience. Fireworks repeatedly set up this expectation. Each flash generates the anticipation of a bang, and that satisfaction seems to be what’s exciting about the display.”

We just notice unscientifically but with many years of experience that events that climax in fireworks are sure to create a positive, lasting memory for our guests.

Example 1:

Location: New York Harbor, New York, NY
The Event: a Chinese client sent their top 1,600 sales representatives to New York City. Two waves of guests only came together for one Gala Night. We created "Follow Your Dream" -­‐ an Immigrant's Journey to America that took place at the true historic venues: Liberty and Ellis Island. We turned the public museum space into a bi-­‐level gala evening site, conscientious to ensure that everyone had the same experience by bringing in an A/V system capable of transmitting simultaneously as well as separately. We filled the night with interactive fun, special honors, American entertainment and a spectacular fireworks show over New York Harbor.

We had the pleasure of working with world-record holder Phil Grucci.

Phil Grucci: "Logistics on water locations are always the most difficult. We were working from five firing platforms on three barges in New York Harbor. While the location was gorgeous, it also came with a lot of requirements. We were in constant contact with the Coast Guard and the Captain of the Port. Safety is always our top concern for all involved. The weather conditions got rough as a late winter storm rolled in. It made it harder to control the barges and the platforms. Their placement is crucial! Thankfully we have a great, experienced crew. They kept all the platforms in perfect position to launch the fireworks and keep the waterways safe. The fireworks were customized for this client and his guests. We created a rainbow. It is symbolic of the spirit of worldliness. We also created a display that formed the company name."

Fireworks by Grucci has been a family-owned business for six generations. Angelo Lanzetta, the great-great-great grandfather to Phil Grucci, started the company in Southern Italy. In 1870 he brought the family and his business to Long Island, NY, via Ellis Island, our location for this event.

Phil: "We have persevered through good and bad times. It takes creativity, an understanding of business politics and plain business acumen to survive. There are lots of authorities to deal with for every single show! The performance is our lucky moment, the reward for lots of hard work. We love to see audience reaction. On that night in April the guests came outside despite the cold and rain to watch the fireworks and they cheered a lot! We were very honored by their enthusiastic reaction!"

The unexpected fireworks also drew the attention of many New Yorkers who were sharing the event on Twitter and Instagram.

Phil Grucci and his team are currently in the middle of their busiest week of the year, producing dozens of official Independence Day Celebrations ranging from New York to Florida to Hawaii.

Photo by Nadine Froger Photography

Example 2:

Location: The Pacific Ballroom, Long Beach, CA
The Event: The Unveiling of the newly renovated Long Beach Arena.

In order to demonstrate the ultra modern technical capabilities and adaptability of the ballroom for any size and style of event we created an evening that revealed the location in phases, growing from small and intimate to full arena size event.

The entertainment featured William Close and Earth Harp on the main stage. We added aerial acrobats and stage front pyrotechnics for the grand finale.

Example 3:

Location: USS Hornet, Alameda Bay, CA.
The Event: a series of six gala nights as closing culmination of a multiple day reward program for a Chinese client.

The USS Hornet production included

  •     military fly-bys to honor the location.
  •     iconic historic characters added to the entertainment.
  •     the real USS Hornet Band welcoming the guests.
  •     a Canada-based Chinese star and an American who sings in Mandarin!
  •     a customized live choreography of the Chinese super dance hit "Little Apple".
  •     900 Alaskan crabs sourced directly from the fleet of "The Deadliest Catch".
  •     and last but not least we closed the night by surrounding the aircraft carrier with close proximity fireworks.

Thank you for reading.

Wishing everyone a Happy Fourth of July!


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