Live from Houston: Our Creative Writer Elizabeth Brazil

A sign of the modern workplace times: our EventWorks family has become a lot more dispersed. We share our experience with remote working.
The number of telecommuting workers has increased 115% in a decade, according to a new report from Global Workplace Analytics and FlexJobs.

We have certainly taken notice here at EventWorks. Our old-fashioned phone numbers rarely ring anymore. Our L.A. offices seem empty. We have joined the Remote Workforce. 
Please meet our remote team
- from Houston, Texas: Creative Writer Elizabeth Brazil Dickson.

Please describe your role and history with EventWorks. 

I have been fortunate to have been a member of the EW team since 2010.  Originally my role was that of proposal writer but through the years that has expanded and, although I still write many of the proposals, I have been able to share my skills in pre-production, vendor relations and even some onsite event management when needed.  It has been wonderful to be able to call into action my diverse set of experiences and imagination to contribute to the success our team – I love that each day is a little bit different in what I get to accomplish.

What motivated you to move to Texas?

My Texas native husband retired and his dream has always been to move home closer to his family and daughter.  Fortunately, most of my work requires only a telephone, a computer and an internet connection so I can pretty much work from anywhere and LA is only a flight away.  Over the last 8 years I have had a number of opportunities to test that out so I knew that as much as I would miss being close enough to pop in when desired, much of what I provide can happen wherever I am.  I am very pleased that EventWorks management feels the same.

How has the move changed your work with EventWorks? 

The biggest change has been that we bought a house where I have an actual office rather than operating off of our coffee table - it is the best!   Quite a while ago we incorporated a file sharing system into our work strategy which helps efficiency, communication and productivity, especially when working from afar.  That and with the occasional incorporation of video conferencing, we are pretty much full steam ahead!

What work aspects are easier? 

I am actually enjoying the time difference (except when part of the gang is in Hawaii or overseas – a 2 hour difference is plenty), it gives me a chance to get my day in order before everyone else is up and running and although many nights I am operating on a California time clock, I generally work later anyway so it doesn’t change things that much.

What has become more difficult? 

I miss the opportunities to be there, around the table when all of the creativity is flowing.  This is an amazing group of people who each bring a different prospective to the table and build off of each other’s thoughts seamlessly.  Sometimes it feels like I am missing out on the thrill of that creative energy and how it can rejuvenate you and inspire even more valuable ideas when I am on the other end of a phone line instead of in one of the chairs.

Are there ancillary benefits for EventWorks, such as a larger geographic reach, new ideas, influences, contacts? 

I certainly hope that my introducing EventWorks to a new sphere of influence here in the Houston area will provide ancillary benefits.  We have done a number of meetings in Dallas over the years so I look forward to an opportunity to share the EW story here in Houston. I am excited to be joining the MPI Houston Chapter board this summer and I am hopeful that the new relationships and connections I build in my new community will provide opportunities for both EventWorks and myself both in new experiences and new opportunities for growth.

Many thanks to Elizabeth for sharing her experience and 

THANK YOU for reading!


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