Summer Fun for the EventWorks Team

The sweaty EWers with PVPLC Stewardship Associate Josh Weinik

We got together for our very own team-building day and managed to combine team fun with a good cause. 

We broke out the shovels and worked in gorgeous surroundings with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy.

We liked it to so much that we will do it again!

It had been a while since we had all gotten together just for fun as a team. Our travel and work schedules rarely place us all in town at the same time. 

Finally, August 5th turned out to be the right moment.
Since our homes are spread out over two counties in Southern California - and those of you who know Los Angeles traffic know what that means - we were looking for a location equally inconvenient for all of us to keep things fair in our search of an opportunity for our good deeds.

We found the volunteering opportunity with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy, the perfect fit.

About PVPLC:
The Conservancy preserves undeveloped land as open space for historical, educational, ecological, recreational and scenic purposes. Since its founding in 1988, the Conservancy has successfully preserved 1,600 acres of open space on the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

The Conservancy's vision is the creation and management of large blocks of natural open space where visitors may enjoy peaceful solitude, where children and adults can learn about the natural environment, and where native plants and animals can thrive.

PVPLC needs volunteers.

So what did we actually do?

On Saturday, August 5th, from 9Am to Noon (well, not quite) the PVPLC guides and volunteers worked in the Portuguese Bend Reserve to eliminate non-native plants to make room for the restoration of native species of plants. 

The award for best wildlife spotting goes to Kristen who saved Brynne from stepping on a rattle snake.

The award for really keeping calm in the face of danger goes to Brynne who quietly replied "oh, where is it?" and then softly backed out of the brush.

We all deserve accolades for digging, pulling and weeding in the heat. We actually really enjoyed working physically in the beautiful outdoors. Guess who does not want her husband to know about her secret gardening skills. 😎

Thank you to biologist Josh Weinik for teaching us a lot about native and non-native plants in our area. We now can make the difference between the beautiful and desirable California bush sunflower and the invading Sahara mustard plant. We learned how to remove parasitical plants from hosts. We are looking forward to the replanting season when the Conservancy restores natural habitat with native plants over the winter months.

The Conservancy operates its own drought resistant native plant nursery. These plants are local to the Peninsula.
It is open to the public for purchases every 4th Saturday from 12PM to 2PM.
Address: White Point Nature Preserve, 1600 Paseo del Mar, San Pedro, CA 90731 (must enter via Western Ave.)

Learn more about the Conservancy on their website. 


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