Singing The Empty Nest Blues? DJ Lee Dyson Has Your Playlist!

We could not help but notice that many of our friends are sending their kids off to college these days - and Kleenex stock has definitely gone up!

Yes, it's hard to pack them up. It seems just like yesterday that they needed your help to put a band-aid on that scratched up knee.
Oh, how fast they grow!

Ted Bowers' son Teddy is one of the Freshmen who are very much looking forward to a new chapter in life and another important step into adulthood.

As event pros we know that music has an enormous effect on our mood - so we asked DJ Lee Dyson to compile a list of songs perfect for this moment.

Dry your tears, listen and cheer up!

Spotify Playlist

And always remember that the alternative is much worse in the long run! It's not so sweet when they still sit at your table at age 30!

Buster and his mom Lucille in Arrested Development.
I know how hard it is - we went through this Blues when our son went off to college.
I can reassure you: nothing beats the pride and happiness you feel as a parent when you see your hard work pay off and they blossom into nice, independent adults.

Warm regards,


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