Sources of Inspiration - Right Outside Our Front Door!

Dear Friends,

Event Solutions recently asked us to share two specific event related moments of inspiration. How do we get ideas? Why do we run with a certain design or feel for an event?
Of course, the next in-office lunch conversation turned introspective. Where does inspiration come from?
In our case it's our home base, Los Angeles. There is so much creative energy in this metropolis, so much innovation and so many cultural melting pots going on that nothing ever remains the same. 140 languages are spoken in L.A. households, it is the most diverse city in the world - and we profit! A trip around the globe is literally just a day drive on our clogged highways.

Really up-and-coming and hot is K-Town, Koreatown. We knew something was up when the globe trotting Anthony Bourdain showed up here with his camera team recently. Late night dining, clubbing and drinking, and a fresh music scene inspired - much like the food - by the mix of Asian and Latino residents provides lots of entertainment - and ideas.

DJ Matt Cornwall selected Far East Movement's Turn Up The Love as Song of the Week!

Matt: "Hit Makers “Far East Movement” are from this small neighborhood. They first started out playing in parking lots and little clubs here and have since gone on to become international pop stars!"

Janet: "I love to explore our ethnic neighborhoods on weekends. Within a 15 minute drive from my home I have Chinese pagodas, an important Thai Wat, outstanding Latino Mural Art and the largest Armenian community. L.A. traffic can be exasperating but our city is never boring!"


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