EventWorks' Treat! The Best Halloween Song - Really!

Dear Friends!

We can't help it, we love Halloween. After all, it is the only holiday when we all have full license to get as creative and crazy with decorations and attire as we like. Talk about the most democratizing moment in the event industry!

DJ Matt Cornwall is equally inspired and he is expert at matching music to a theme.

"hey there all you Ghouls and Boo-ys (I know,it's a stretch~ :  )   
Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday simply because
it's the one day where zaniness reigns (well, the fun kind of zaniness  
anywho, not the kind from our politicians or your job : )
Once upon a time, waaaaay before there was a "thriller," there was a  
"Tarantula Ghoul and her Gravediggers" ....please allow them to teach  
you the ways of "graveyard rock." everybody shake those skeletons! " ~  

Have fun with Graveyard Rock!

Trick or Treat!


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