Janet Elkins: Why Early Morning Mingling Is Worth The Early Start!

The alarm clock always rings early in the Elkins household but some days require a faster start than others. November 10th was one of those mornings when Janet dashed out of the house ready for action at the crack of dawn. Destination: Hard Rock Cafe in Universal CityWalk for the MPI Southern California Chapter's Breakfast Meeting. Moderated by Janet, the panel of distinguished experts included Nicole Bernardi of SME, Anthony Bolotta of Bolotta Entertainment, and Mark Howell, Entertainment Productions. Janet and all three panelists are active members of IACEP - The International Association of Corporate Entertainment Producers.

Janet explains:
"This association brings together entertainment colleagues to learn about new talent, share ideas and collaborate. Our objective was to share these concepts with the members of MPI as well as have the meeting planners learn what is important when booking talent and to work more closely with their entertainment producers. Discussions included the various entertainment disciplines as well as the importance of bringing professional lighting and sound and staging to each event. In addition, we discussed the importance of logistics which was broken down to the 4 "S"s - Size, Structure, Style - and most importantly Site Inspections! The seminar ended with the pitfalls of booking name talent. All the panelists shared "war" stories of which there were plenty - but always a useful tool to learn something from."

Are the results worth the early morning effort and extra time?
Janet: "Absolutely! I am a member of both MPI and IACEP and I highly recommend membership in both organizations. The advantages are obvious. You meet colleagues. We learn from each other and we exchange knowledge, skills and ideas. Especially in times of economic crisis, the added support is worthwhile and helpful. Get up early and join us!"

You can find the organizations on the web:


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